An eight-year-old boy from Cardiff went above and beyond to help a fellow racer take part in the U11’s Future Challengers event at the Ogi Porthcawl 10K on Sunday.

When little Charlie Evans, eight, began getting nervous at the start line, the Run 4 Wales team asked if any of the participants would be happy to help.

That’s when caring Dewi Thomas stepped forward, happy to sacrifice his own ambition of achieving a PB.

Instead, in an adorable act of true sportsmanship, he held Charlie’s hand throughout the whole mile distance while the pair raced together to the finish line.

Charlie’s mum, Sarah, said: “Charlie was running to raise money for his school for children with learning difficulties. He wanted to do this so badly, but I know his confidence could have been a barrier – he is quite an emotional little boy anyway and after seeing me complete 10K and then getting ready to do his run, he was very emotional.

“I was so glad I spoke to someone about my concerns and worry for Charlie. This support and approaching another little boy who was happy to support when they don’t know each other, it just really melted me.

“Dewi took Charlie under his wing and without him, he wouldn’t have done it. He is such a lovely boy to support our Charlie and I really can’t thank him enough.”

Watching from the sidelines, Dewi’s dad Rhys said he was incredibly proud of Dewi for stepping forward to help.

He said: “This was Dewi’s second Future Challengers race after he did his first one at the Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay 10K in May and he was looking to try and beat his time.

“I was watching from the side and could see them running side by side – they stuck together for the whole mile.

“He’s very conscientious and caring – he’s the eldest of four so is very used to looking after others. He’s very community minded and was even helping to pick up litter afterwards. 

“I’m really proud of him.”

After getting involved in the Run 4 Wales Future Challengers races earlier this year, Dewi now plans on coming back again to take part in the Brecon Carreg CDF 10K event in September.

Run 4 Wales Event Manager, Rachel Madge, added: “Just before the start of the U11s Future Challenger’s race, Dewi went above and beyond, sacrificing his own time to help fellow runner Charlie. He displayed Run 4 Wales values of together and noble and his selfless act reminded us all that true victory lies not in crossing the finish line first, but in lifting others along the way. Thank you Dewi, my hero – we look forward to seeing you again in Cardiff.”